Thursday, October 31, 2013


     The first thing most runners really have to work on is their breathing. The way you breathe really determines how you feel.

Remember, in through your nose, out through your mouth!
     During fast workouts, you really want to have even, controlled breathing. I know that especially after sprints, resisting the urge to just take huge rapid breaths out of your mouth is pretty darn difficult. However, really slowing down that breathing is extremely important when doing fast paced excersizes. You have to remember that you are the only one who can control your breathing and panting like a dog is completely unnecessary. Take in slow deep breaths through the nose and out through the mouth. This way, your lungs can sort of calm down along with your pulse so you'll be all ready for the next rep.
     On long runs, you have to make sure your breathing is slow and easy. Long runs aren't usually at a super fast pace, so I suggest this be the time where you really work on controlling your breathing. You have a long way to go and if your lungs are tired, then your legs will also die. Breathe through your nose and out through your mouth as usual. If you're talking to someone, try not to totally go breathless by the amount of time you spend talking. You shouldn't go on and on about some crazy story and find yourself gasping for air at the end of it.

Breathe in.
Breathe out.
     Though most runners breathe by their chest or shoulders, it's apparently better to breathe through your belly. Your stomach should inflate and deflate like a balloon while you run. When breathing through your chest, your shoulders move up and down, making them not only tense but you also waste energy that could've been used toward your running. 

     If you're the type of runner that tends to get a little too distracted by their thoughts, count your steps and coordinate them with your breathing. This is also called breathing in rhythm. Depending on how fast you go, you can inhale or exhale every two, three, or however many steps you need. Being at a constant rhythm also helps work against cramps in your stomach.

     Breathing is a very important part of running, and you can make or break yourself depending on how you breathe. Next time you're out for a run, try some of the things mentioned above! It doesn't take much more than a thought to practice belly breathing, or just counting your steps.

     I hope I gave you some information on breathing while you run, and I certainly hope that it helps you out later! Until next time!

Information collected from:,,

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